Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bringing culture closer to home

I WAS ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES....RAISED IN 2 CULTURES=AMERICAN AND PUERTO RICAN. Of course growing up in the midwest-the middle of corn country--the kids in school tried to make feel ashamed of being mixed and for a while I was...until I realized as I grew older that I should be and am proud to be from such a rich culture. I have two countries to be proud of and two languages I have mastered.

Since I live in the midwest it is pretty homogenous as far as ethnic diveristy. When I attended college I wanted to surround myself with people from all over the world. I was lucky to help co-found the International Student Organization at Indiana State University. (Picture included of some of us at a friend's apartment. The couple were originally from the Caucus)We had people from all over and man, what fun we had. I was the MC for an international fashion show, we had students create delicious dishes of their favorite home cooked meals, a dj to play songs from around the globe, just a simple communal gathering celebrating life.

Now that as I grow older I find myself missing these things and need to get out more, to explore my Midwestern roots, my once again find people who entrance me so, motivate me...I want to bring a piece of the world back into my heart as I did so long ago. I think it is important for children to learn about the world out there---technology has brought everyone closer...we can scan for unlimited resources on the 'net...computers, planes, anything that involves the advancement of human beings in science and the medical realm have brought our countries together---almost blurring borders--almost I say because we still retain our ethnic pride and culture identities....I believe that as human beings we should all try and understand people who believe differently than we do and celebrate life in other ways than our own.

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