Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cleaning as therapy

I have come to realize that when I do a really good cleaning somehow, inside I feel better. Maybe weird to some who read this but if you think about it--honestly...when you're stressed out or bored if you clean up (like I did the fridge) I felt better. There must be something about a mindless task for perking up the spirit. Or is it the Virgo in me? All I know is that I felt much better and do when everything is in its place. Having a sense of order is good. Ok not to be anal about it but to try:

This was cute:

Heavy cleaning is also great when you and your husband have had an argument. "I'll show you, I'm going to make the kitchen spotless!" No, that's not what I mean. But there's no arguing that the expenditure of energy used while you're moving boxes in the garage is a better use than hollering things you might later regret. Cleaning gives you a chance to think and rethink what you want to say without having angry outbursts come out. After you've cleaned for an hour or so and thought things through, you might still feel the same, but you're likely to be a lot more calm in presenting your point of view.


So ladies and gents if you are stressed, bored..whatever grab a can of Endust and a rag, get your vacuum and go for it. I know I will.


Lisa said...

I agree with this 100%. It's the satisfaction you get from a job well done that lifts the spirits.

Marianna said...

It always does for me and like the lady blogger stated....better to use up that frustration cleaning than hollerin' things you'll only regret later.

Where's my mop????????