Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Outdoors

I grew up in the country--so I try not to take the outdoors for granted. Unlike some women, I do love camping and boating. Just not hunting or fishing. I love the stillness, the perfume of flowers and pine...the chirping of the birds, scurrying on animals.
When I took my mom and daughter to the gardens it was nice. I felt at peace. All the wonderful colors of nature. So extraordinary. Nothing can compare to God's beauty.
I wish that people would take better care of this wonderful planet of ours. I think we all, even me, can take things for granted here. I wish that there was someway to convey to the human race the sanctity of our precious it is and that there is only one of it. I can see global warming everywhere with our winters becoming more scarce, the polar caps melting, the ozone layer becoming thinner. I found this info on global warming and feel that people need to take this more seriously and preserve what God gave us in trust:
I think that big corporations look more to profit than the future of our children. Why?? Just look at what these corporations have done in regards to plant resources, finding the bottom dollar. American, Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern, all these countries should be held accountable for the way that they disregard our most precious resource. Being resourceful also begins at home. Do not use the a/c if you really do not need it. Use a fan instead. Conserve your electricity. Try to make all your runs for the store one fell swope. Recycle, recycle, recycle....

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