Thursday, July 5, 2007


I always thought how lucky I was to have a little sister. She is about 7 years younger than I am. She is just starting on her 30's and I am almost on the brink of 40. (WOW time does fly!!!)

I remembered when mom was pregnant, like it was yesterday, on how I desperately wanted another brother and yes I was jealous (after all, I was the only princess in the house). And then when mom brought home a sister I was reserved. But the little stinker grew on me. One of our first nights together in the new home, my sister was crying in her bassinet. I went to investigate at 7 years of age (had the mommy instincts early) and laid down on the couch beside her. Mom found us in the morning with my arm in the bassinet both of us asleep.

We used to play house together, I set up our bedroom like a school and would create worksheets for her and the pretend "students" which were our toys. Her favorite toy, Ricky Ticky Tabby was an A++ student. I usually called on him for the answers while my sister desperately had her hand in the air wanting to call out the answer. Those were good times.

I never knew how lucky I was to have a little sister until I left for the Army and I had taken for granted the relationship I developed with her. Now that we are living far apart I realize that the bond between sisters should always be there, strong and unconditional. A love that grows and lasts a lifetime.

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