Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Plans for the coming year (2008)

Next year is a pivotal one. I turn sissy wants to take me to Paris...I might try and nudge going to Spain instead since that is the land of our ancestors or Ireland which is where my great grandparents immigrated from. I am just itching to see the world again. I love traveling, meeting people from different places...seeing new and old world architecture. Makes you appreciate your own home and the world at large.

One hope I do have is to drive up to Virigina next year to check out the actual battlefield of New Market, Virigina where my romance novel is based loosely around. I want to be able to really feel the area, what the ghosts of memories there are, get a good look at what the Civil War soldiers went through. Since I am revamping my novel I am excited about the possiblities of adding new dimensions, characters and events....I am like..."you go girl!" (Sometimes we need to pat ourselves on the back for the extra umpf of motivation.......

I hope to mark that year with good health, (myself and family, friends), embark on new adventures and to live life fully with happiness and contentment. I want each day to be a blessing and also to be thankful for what I do have. Seems I am starting my New Year resolutions early. :-)

What I would love to do:

1. Go whitewater rafting
2. Visit Yellowstone
3. Buy a home (sigh...BIG dream of mine)
4. Visit Puerto Rico
5. Travel overseas and start my photography
6. Write another novel
7. Finish revamping my current novel
8. Find an agent
9. Find a publishing house
10. Party ;-)

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