Now that I have seized your attention I pose this question because of the fact there are some articles out there that seem to lay blame of failing marriages in the USA solely on the feet of us women.
Now, I always thought it took two individuals to create a marriage not one and both are responsible for the demise or success of such marriage. Yes, there can be a tip in the scales in favor of one or the other for positive or negative happenstances but all in all when a person enters in the holy union of this sacrament I believe it takes two and not one.
Some might say because women who are now working in droves are becoming more competitive, aggressive order to attain status (i.e. money, reputation, stability etc.) are creating these die hard core driven women...stress albeit contributes to long work weeks, demanding bosses, and meeting deadlines. I digress, however I would like to see arguments out there that show women are fighting to keep their marriages intact...that they are not the primary instigators of our high divorce rate.
According to Boyé Lafayette De Mente, in his blog: Cultural Insights by Boyé Lafayette De Mente states All of the positive attributes that have traditionally distinguished women—their mystery, their subtlety, that indescribable essence of femininity that made them so special—not to mention their importance and prowess in nurturing—have been diminished…more by the actions of money-addicted men than by the legitimate aspirations of women themselves.Women are now far more sexually exposed and exploited than men, thanks to the over-reaction that has resulted from religious-oriented attempts to conceal and control the sexuality of women—and this is a subject I explored in detail in my novel Eros’ Revenge—Brave New World of American Sex. In Greek mythology Eros was the god of love...So as incredible as it is, men themselves have set the stage for American women to become more masculine—a phenomenon that has already changed the dynamics of male-female relations in the U.S. and will go much further before it reaches some kind of equilibrium…which could be that women will be permanently on top.They are, after all, the most sexually potent of the human species—a fact that men have feared and fought against since before our ancestors climbed down out of the trees.
In regards to Mr. Demente's argument I think the problem is complex. I agree that women are exposed to a more sexual society, that men (of course not all) are demanding more from their wives emotionally and monetarily. I believe that the demise of the American Marriage falls upon the following factors and not necessarily with women "becoming more masculine.": Families are being destroyed by a lack of communication, mental and/or physical abuse, infidelity, and selfishness. The blame can belong to either spouse. I believe that attempting to save the marriage and the values within it by keeping the wife/mother down is unfair. Marriage should be a true partnership based upon mutual respect, then you really have family values.
(still under constructive thought...)
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1 year ago
What an excellent topic for discussion! As compared to most other country and cultures, the simple answer is probably "yes." But because American women may participate and be involved in more activities (whether sports, jobs, military) than men should not necessarily mean the blame falls at a woman's feet if a relationship fails. I do agree with your comment that it takes two to tango and two to fail...although one can certainly do significant damage to a relationship to cause it to fail...but I digress.
Living in Saudi Arabia one sees (and experiences) every day the lines which are certainly drawn between the roles, duties and expectations of men versus women. I like to compare the here and now in the Kingdom as similar to the 1950's, "Betty Crocker" era in the USA.
Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts and others comments on this interesting posting.
I see this so much and how some men blame women for wanting to pursue a challenging career. I am fortunate that I don't have to bring my work home...but since I was in the military I remember men telling me I did not belong that I chose the wrong profession etc...I am totally for women breaking the glass ceiling and I also respect women who make the choice to remain at home. I feel as long as you are happy and you are balanced with your work and family life I see no issues. Of course this is the ideal and in today's society seems couples cannot really make it on one salary. It is just finding that balance, being able to sit and talk to your communication and finding ways to balance work and family life.
I told my Saudi husband about this post as I found it an interesting subject and asked his view. He did in fact agree without hesitation that compared to other countries and cultures American women are more masculine. He described it as the way some American dressed, talked and acted. From one coming from an Eastern environment and perspective, I can see his point and he did not even refer to the types of job opportunities which could impact on the perception of American women being more masculine.
Oh yes...I heartily agree on breaking the glass ceiling! So many strides have been made in the USA in this regard. I appreciate it all the more so while living in the Kingdom where women are paid much less than men for the same jobs.
I think facing the dilemmas of American women...the competition in a capatalistic environment it is enevitable women will end up becoming more aggressive in order to achieve. I look at younger women today and wonder if these girls realize how they are portraying themselves or do they even care???? It is a quandry. What makes America strong are its women, its men and the ideals and at the same time it seems it bites us right in the rear end so to speak.
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