Monday, November 5, 2007

A Day in the Life of a Himmie


Unknown said...

How beautiful! Your Himmie looks like a silver point from the photo. I had a himmie in the past and he was quite a character. Now I only have a gaggle of 3 (a persian and two "Pak-a-billies" which basically stand for Paksitani street cats. Billie being the urdu word for cat and I happened to rescue 2 of them while I lived there!)

Enjoy your blog.

American Bedu

Marianna said...

Thanks Carol...I found your blog through Saudi Jeans and have to say I enjoy reading yours. I had dreams once of being an FSO...

I adore my cat Simba and he is VERY spoiled. I will be cking for updates on your blog on a regular basis. :-)