Monday, June 9, 2008

Kick starting goals

Picture of me at "nerve central". Where all my thoughts are written down)....ok...not always but yeah most of the now.

Now I realize I have an honest to goodness goal in sight, I can focus on getting into the best shape possible.

This has many positive connotations.

  1. Health
  2. Looking simply awesome (especially for South Beach)
  3. If I get back into the Army I will be able to retain my sergeant stripes and remain in the military
  4. Having an awesome bod...(hmmm....I see a trend starting here). :^)
  5. Feeling GOOD about myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw how my dad's health declined in his 40's and I don't want to stray down that dark path. Smoking didn't help his case any not to mention ignoring his is so important and having a wonderful quality of life....

And I plan on living mine as completely and fantastically full of everything and anything as I can.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Well, I hope you don't get hurt if you reup! This is a strange and unpredictable time in the world...