Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I don't know why people freak out when a wedding approaches. I hear about frantic brides and grooms mentally trying to scrape it together so that they have the "perfect" wedding of their dreams...and with a 51% US divorce rate I think....hmmmm....is all that hoopla really necessary.

'Course is an individual thing and who knows maybe that 49% leftover will make it. We should always pray for the best in anything, especially a marriage. This day in age it seems more difficult for couples to walk down that blessed path.

My views on the American marriage though tend to be very grim. Only because I see so much drama going on. People divorce at a drop of a hat these days.

They don't want to work things out.


I would surmise an educated guess and think the lovely couple just don't have "the time" to work things out.


I sometimes find it a blessing how I never married.
Came close.
But that is another story altogether.

I found out some stats regarding my high school graduating class and you guessed it..........

Over 50% of my classmates are divorced.


Whatever happened to sticking together through the tough times.

Whoever said marriage was easy?

Does everything these days have to be resolved in a sitcom minute?

Apparently in this society it does!!!!!!!!!

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