Thursday, July 10, 2008


This faded picture was taken of myself at approximately 2 years of age...notice the dated stroller. However I do love the girlie fringe on top.....mother said complete strangers would come up to me wanting to hold this olive toned blue-eyed baby---I was a little stinker and didn't wish to be touched by someone I didn't know. (NOTE: Marianna is not so anti-social as she was then).........

Thankfully at around the same age my ever the gregarious daughter was far more sociable than dear ol' ma....I would take her "bye bye" (which btw she would promptly squeal with abounding glee) when asked if she wanted to go somewhere (a mall rat at the age of 2) and strangers, always politely of course, clamour to hold my precious bundle of hyperactive joy.

Sometimes I miss being a child...having those fantastic yet innocent childhood times I miss my darling 20 year old daughter being that small cuddly little doll who worshipped her mother beyond anything. Kid got's

Yet she and I have a very strong bond formed from many years of wonderful memories....and am most grateful for and as always that child of mine is forever teaching me something new and most wonderful about life..............

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