Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday and hope.........

Another oh so lovely rainy/cloudy day in St. Louis, Missouri. About to fix me some much needed coffee. I am still a little groggy but got a good 8 hours of sleep. I like to treat my weekends almost like a mini-vacation. No stresses, just relax and enjoy the ride.............

I am planning to open up a savings account at Choices Credit Union. It is a credit union which helps individuals take back their financial "life" and move forward which is my intended goal.

From their brochure:

"Credit Union" is the name for a financial institution owned entirely by the people it serves. Unlike banks, payday lenders, pawnshops and check-cashing services-which operate strictly under profit-a credit union works to advance the financial stability of everyone who belongs.

The people who belong to a credit union are called "members." As a member and an owner, you'll discover why membership makes all the difference.

At Choices Federal Credit Union, our job is to make loans available at affordable rates with fair terms, and promote healthy savings for the future. Our services include:

  • Savings Accounts (called shares)
  • New and Used Auto Loans
  • Auto Loan Refinancing
  • Other Secured Loans
  • Unsecured Signature Loans
  • Debt Consolidation Loans
  • Direct Deposit
  • Payroll Deduction
Who Can Join:

Choices Federal Credit Union is open to active and retired employees, volunteers and clients of the agencies listed on the back of this brochure, as well as their families. A minimum deposit of $10.00 is required to open a savings account and enjoy all credit union services. Once you become a Choices member, you remain a member for life even if you move, change jobs, or retire.

Agencies the Credit Union is Associated With:

  1. Better Family Life
  2. Beyond Housing/Neighborhood Housing
  3. Catholic Charities Housing Resource Center
  4. Good Samaritan Service Center
  5. Habitat for Humanity St. Louis
  6. Justine Petersen Housing
  8. Urban League of St. Louis
I am hoping to refinance my car through them so that the extra money I save will go towards paying off bills on my credit report thus bringing me that much closer to owning a home by next year.

I hope my guardian angel is watching because I really need that protection. :^)

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