Again another interesting debate on English Sabla in regards to women who do not cook. Yes, I simply had to get in there and give my 2 cents as always:
Member Angel Eyes had this question for the members:
Guys: What do you think of women today who are too dependent on housemaids and don't know how to cook?Wouldn't you RATHER marry someone who knows how to cook?How can you marry a woman who cannot support you in that way?i'm not saying it's a reason to not marry the girl but i think it's very important that she at least knows how.Girls: How can you get married or how can you be married knowing that you don't even know how to cook? Some girls really surprise me when they say they don't cook.
A couple of my responses (can you tell where I side?):
I just see it like this and I will end it with myself here. These days it takes two incomes to provide. Anyone who works knows it can take allot out of you by the end of the day. Being supermom or superdad can wear you the hell out. If you don't try and share in the chores someone is going to burn out quickly and fights will ensue or resentment will be boiling inside. If not then you have a doormat for a spouse.If a woman and husband both decide staying at home is best then I can see where the housework is for her. But she does need to rest from that also and she and her husband can come up with some time for her where she gets time away from the house and kids.
Of course it did not end because I felt compelled to answer again:
Cooking of course is not a form of slavery but if a working woman is beat tired and cannot cook every day the man needs to step in or if not then they need to seriously considering hiring outside help if they can afford it. If they cannot afford it then a family pow wow is in order because to expect a working woman to work 8 hours a day AND work at home solo while the hubby sits watching the tele, playing games, being on the computer or basically being an a$$ then he needs to get in sync and help the family out. She becomes a human doormat if he sits back and does nothing. If she has the energy to do all the housework along with working outside of the home then of COURSE more power to her but ***trust me*** at MY age I have seen enough women do this and down the road start to resent having to do everything in the marriage. They begin to withold sex, hold grudges, get back at the husband in a passive aggressive manner etc. etc...A woman doesn't run the homfront alone you know.In regards to this statement:
'Mothers should give their sons a little household training before marriage "
Marriage is a partnership not a master and servant relationship. Period.WHY do I make such a big deal out of this topic because I see it all the time how women work at home AND have a full time job. So they have TWO jobs and when you throw in kids makes it even that much harder. And men wonder why women get so tired they don't want to be lovey dovey and always say no. Because their energies are being sapped by children, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry etc....and the husband does his own male thing while the woman has no time left even to breathe.
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