Friday, April 18, 2008

It's the recession stupid!! (Part II)

One thing I am learning albeit kicking and screaming is that when price$ are gouging you out you gotta take measure$ to curtail previous spending habit$ and never is this more prevalent when you want to buy a home.

People learn habits--good ones and bad. The older you get the harder it is to break a bad habit.
What I have come to realized is at times I can really dig myself a hole when it comes to being thrifty.
Our federal pay increase was paltry compared to what certain members of Congress and the
Senate give themselves. The increase is not reflecting the cost of goods and what is this gal to do?
Time to start researching better and proven ways of cutting corner$.

I never had anyone show me how to manage a budget. That pretty much was left up to me.

Now I am realizing how important it is to be frugal.

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