One thing I have learned from the financial fitness class is that sometimes you have to break up your goal(s) into manageable pieces. When you do that it makes it easier to attain.
I realized that human nature can sometimes have good intentions but if you overwhelm yourself when trying to obtain a goal sometimes that goal is never attained.
It is far better to methodically plan things out (especially for the big ones like buying a home) then jumping in with both feet. Yeah, sometimes diving in is all good but when you sometimes do that you can forget the little stuff...make mistakes along the way and not accomplish everything you are setting out to do. Or, you are so overwhelmed that the goal is never realized (something I don't even plan on thinking about).
It will come true.
So buying a home takes little steps....not just diving right in like I wanted to intially with all my excitement. I realize that it has to be planned out...reasonably and with care. When I do that my dream will come true.
Attaining Goals in Simple Steps By Ronald Shepard
It’s Not The Big Goals That Count Most
In my opinion, the biggest problem in attaining goals is setting too many or setting those that are WAY out of reach (i.e., buying a $650,000. house on an annual earning of $50,000.) However, I do believe even those seemingly unreachable goals can be often accomplished when we break down our process into smaller goals.It is the smaller goals that can be achieved more reasonably and effectively; it is the smaller goals that lead us on the path toward our eventual rendezvous with the larger goal. Reaching the summit of a mountain is not accomplished by a “single step.” Primary to reaching any goal is breaking it down into simple, attainable steps. Buying that $650,000. house is attainable when setting smaller goals that lead you toward that dream.
Believing We Can Do It
When I truly believe I can do something, I work everything I can to make it happen! Sometimes it takes several tries, a great deal of exasperation, sweat, and sometimes even tears to accomplish a major goal, but the core of the work must come from a place of strong, personal belief in ourselves. Without a strong belief in our own abilities, we can accomplish very little. There are many times when self-doubt creeps in and tries to consume us. If we stop believing in ourselves, we set ourselves up for defeat. And unless we have a truly supportive mentor, we MUST believe in ourselves because many times family and friends (even when they express well-intended concerns) can foil our best intentions in a flash. That’s not to say our best allies, mentors, and advisers can’t be family and friends, but our personal power of believing in ourselves is critical in reaching any goal we desire to attain.
Setting Goals Consistent With Your Values
Have you ever set goals for yourself that were really someone else’s goals for you? Many of us have been in that position. That’s not an easy place to be. In fact, it can be detrimental to self-growth. Defining our personal values is important when defining long-range goals. There’s nothing more disappointing than reaching a goal that runs contrary to our values. It’s like climbing a huge mountain and suddenly realizing when you reach the summit that you’ve climbed the wrong mountain. Define your values and design your destiny around them. Ask the question, “How will my personal values be enhanced by the goals I choose?”
I do agree, when your goals are in alignment with your personal values it will make things easier. I don't want to climb up the wrong mountain as Mr. Shepard states in his article. For me a waste of time. Your goals should be in alignment with your destiny...your heart and in the end will make you feel like a fuller, happier person.
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