Monday, April 21, 2008


In February, NARA celebrated the 107th on February 1, leaving Buckles as the only one birthday of the nation’s last known living remaining. World War I veteran, Frank Woodruff Buckles was born in Harrison County, Buckles. Missouri, on February 1, 1901. In 1917, at the
To honor him—and by extension all the age of 16, he enlisted in the U.S. Army by men and women who served in the First World claiming to be 18. During the war, he was Richard Boylan examines a book on World War I from the library of Frank Buckles (right), the nation’s last known living veteran of that war. Boylan and another NARA archivist, Mitch Yockelson, visited Buckles on February 12, shortly after his 107th birthday. Photo by Evan Vucci/AP Photos
War—National Archives archivists Richard Boylan (NWCT2R) and Mitch Yockelson (OIG) traveled to Buckles’s home in West Virginia and presented him with copies of records relating to his military service.

Boylan, who specializes in military records, came up with the idea of marking the stationed in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France.

Boylan and Yockelson located more than 50 pages of textual material documenting Buckles’s service. A professional researcher, Susan Strange, found 57 photos of the area where he was stationed in Winchester, England.


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