Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The winds of change

Just got out of a meeting with my team. Yet AGAIN we are going to have changes implemented to the way we do things. NARA is downsizing and getting rid of positions. Therefore, the tasks that these displaced workers were doing will fall on us archivists. Will be interesting. Wonder if a raise will insue next year when Congress gets theirs???????????????????????????????????
My philosophy is go with the flow. It is a job. I understand that governmental red tape is par for the course. Sigh....just give me a raise. What I do now and if there was a comparable job in the private sector.........I would be paid MORE than what I make now. I guess compensation is serving one's country with job security but higher pay would help. Rent went up, gas is up, basic essentials are rising. Please! Ay MAMI!

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