Thursday, October 4, 2007

40 Being the new 30

Some people think 40 (OMG) is the end of living, of being filled with youth and exhuberance. But why?????? I certainly do not feel middle aged ( it slowly creeps upon me)....I feel wiser and yes older in some ways but not doomed. Okay, sometimes I feel doomed but not all the time. :-p

I think that society's perceptions of 40 year olds is slowly changing due to media influences, advances in medicine and the overall perception of fitness. Also at 40 one usually presumes that the person has a stable job, their finances are in order and they can kick back and relax. Sure....if you plan ahead and that is the key. I realized when I was younger how much I wanted a secure stable future and thought the army would give me that. However, because of certain personal reasons I had to leave, though with an honorable discharge which means I can receive certain benefits later in life.

I always tell my daughter in my infinte wisedom to plan ahead for your future, and yes for your retirement. Social Security is a joke as far as what you get and who knows when she turns 72 to 75 when it is time to say sayanara to the working world..if it will even be out there...anyway I digress. I think that society's perceptions of the middle age is changing---perhaps due to the large population of baby boomers who are reaching retirement age. There is always this fear of growing older. I say grow older with gracey, with style.

According to the article, Is 40 really the new 30? by Deline Tan, she states that: Being 40 is not that bad. You certainly can feel being 30 as age does not matter as to how you feel, but psychologically you remain young. Those who are more fortunate, though they are 40 but they look 30. It is how you feel about yourself that matters, as you can explore to do many things and still feel 30. With a well-Kemp life-style and eating good healthy food, you will always look young.

By being exuberance and energetic, you are full of vigor and life at any age. You can attempt great things and always feel young because no matter what your age is, there is so much in life to live for. The thing is, are you creative, innovative and full of dreams and aspirations? Do you have a mission in life that at 40, you're about to hit it.

What you can do at 30, you too can do it at 40. The difference is that you are wiser and more effective, and you've taken on the life experience with proven results than you were at 30. Life just begin at 40. It is the fresh path that you can tread that will bring you more life and excitement as you choose to feel young and energetic.

Yes, you can feel young, act young, and be young as you choose to, because age is not the matter, but rather it is how you feel that matters.

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