From Chapter Five: The Dance
I hear your voice
Calling my name,
I sense your touch
Wanting my skin.
I smell your breath
Slowly dipping to my lips.
I feel your hands
Touching my face…
From Chapter Nine: The Letters
"If God should so happen to take me from you to the Pearly Gates, please remember me, speak of me to your children…never forget my name"
-Joshua Kreggs to Rachel
Chapter Sixteen: The Romance of War
Centuries pass and this soldier of freedom is again replayed. Sometimes his battle cry is lost within the political wars of his government's tongue. Their dreams were never to aspire. And what a story can we convey in regards to these men and women whose lives were chanced to have met Fate first hand; of a face so well worn and familiar, as to become a constant companion throughout time. Yet, how we decide to meet It, will forever have an impression etched upon our memories and our very soul. Fate has many voices sometimes they are heard, sometimes lost. From time to time it could be found as Anger or Contentment, Grief or Joy, Love and Hate. And as we too grow old, we learn of our world's misshapen ways, and we learn to live instead for the tomorrow, and try not to think too hard on yesterday.
Joshua Kreggs April 9, 1865
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To Scale! The Solar System - [one of the best videos]
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Welcome to Scuba K...
10 months ago
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