Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dealing with an elderly parent

My dad is 64 and mom is 68. Mom's health is not bad but my dad's....well....leaves a lot to be desired. He is diabetic, insulin dependent and also suffers from heart failure. He was a chronic smoker from the time he was 14 until he HAD to quit at 62. He has had approximately four heart attacks and a minor stroke.

I spoke to mom earlier this morning and she said last night dad fell down and could not get back up so she called his sister. He did not want mom to call 911. Yes, he is that stubborn. Stupid or stubborn who knows. He allows himself to get this sick and then expects free medical care. Sorry buddy, the world does not work that way. If he practiced preventative maintenance and ate like he should FOR a diabetic he would not be getting all these infections. I have had it with this stuff. I already told mom that he needs to have a reality check. She is spending her golden years as his nurse which pisses me off BIG time since he does NOT monitor his health like he should.

My mom has high blood pressure yet she manages it quite well because she is diligent at taking her meds. I applaud her for that. Mom however, does not know how to drive so she has to depend on others to assist her when dad gets sick like this. He is still in the hospital as I write this blog.

They live in the country where taxis are not readily available and there is NO bus system out there. All of us kids have told them time and again to move nearer to us (there are just NO job opportunities in Evansville). But dad already said he plans to die in that house.

I told my daughter that she will NEVER have to worry about her mom because if I get to that point where I need constant care I will MAKE MYSELF go to a VA nursing home. I understand parents do grow old but why do they have to make it so difficult???????

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