Monday, May 19, 2008

Conquering your goals

Whether it be losing weight, buying a home, dealing with overtime (like I am today and for the next 3 weeks) thing I am learning is that you have to BREAK IT UP INTO MANAGEABLE PARTS.

If I look at say losing 20 pounds....I think to myself GOD I will never reach that goal or toning up for the wedding which is four months away. If I let those thoughts overwhelm me my goals will never be reached. What I have learned is if I break up my goal into manageable short term ones before I know it my ultimate goal will have been reach. Instead of lamenting that I will be working 12 hour days the next 3 weeks just take it a day at a time.

Because I want to be ultra fit for the wedding I need to break down my exercise routine into some kind of short term goal(s). By doing this I won't feel so bogged down by the details.
I simply would not reach my intended if I let it get to me.

Therefore, I am going to keep a reasonable track of my short-terms and take a deep deep breath....and begin at the beginning.

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