Monday, July 14, 2008

Laughter at work

Long days at the office can be tedious unless you have some comedians on your team and I sure do. I just had a good laugh (tears streaming from my eyes) when one of my co-workers relayed a story regarding some loose horses which came into her yard...mind you she lives in ever-lovin' redneck country. Just the way she described these horses and the attitude of her ritzy neighbor (who btw owns these babies) gave me a colorful glimpse into her country life. (Man....this woman really could have a novel written based on her escapades)....Sitting there listening to her jaunts had me rolling and made being at work today for 12 hours more stimulating..yeah I'm sad. ;^P

I never get tired of my team. Most of my mates keep me well motivated and jovial. I honestly think if you have great co-workers it makes for a better more healthy work environment.

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