Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Passion verses Love verses Lust

Love - is the unconditional acceptance of all things as they are. To alter or expand them by contributing to them in a loving way creates blessings. To alter, judge or limit them by force or fear creates burdens which you must carry, experience or learn from. Lust - is wanting something that you can't have, taking something that isn't yours, (through acquisition, force, coercion or manipulation), and believing in something that isn't loving, (like domination, control)

I think people sometimes confuse lust with love. These are two separate emotions though when combined can create a lifetime of memories.

Love is when you trust and respect the person, you are not jealous of their outside interests....you trust them to do the right thing because they respect and value who and what you are....they would not do anything selfish to jeopardize the relationship.

Lust however is more of a primal intensity. It consumes the body and brain...may be mistaken for love but I feel they are two different entities. Though when in love I think lust can go a long way in keeping the relationship alive. It adds spice to the heart..emboldens the person to capture something from the other and stakes a claim. It becomes a passion...something that can be celebrated through a lifetime. Passion, love, lust...combines themselves into an enduring symbol of emotional achievement.

Lust is chemical reactions....a basic need...a genetic predisposition to perpetuate the human species. Love seems to be more of a higher cerebral function...

Love is transcendental, exalted and celebrated in poems, epics, and have caused great men to fall.

Lust appears to be the driving force behind the love between a man and a woman...propels the relationship forward...yet as we age....when lust wains does love? I say no...not when it's real. That is why I feel love is of a higher emotion in the hierarchy of all emotions. Lust may culminate into love. Love into lust. A symbiotic relationship which can co-exist in harmony with the right person.

Love means accepting that person as they are despite their faults...you work together to compromise when you don't see eye to eye. If it's lust the attraction of that person may fade. For lust is fickle and insecure. Love is constant and enduring.

I look at marriages today...many fail and wonder if people marry when in stages of lust...in a hurry to "get hitched" seemingly desperate to create their own inner sense of a fairytale only to find out later when times get tough that their partner does not measure up to what they think love should be.

For love always hopes.

For love always perseveres.

It rejoices in the truth and turns away evil....silly? I don't think so. Seems to me love is a trillion dollar industry with movies, books, candy, cards, weddings etc. and etc.

When I see an elderly couple walking hand in hand, content....for me that is lust/love----passion which has endured decades of hardships and causes me to yearn for a simple formula for this thing we call life.

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