Monday, August 4, 2008

The Debate

Right now mulling over should I drag myself out of bed early mornings or wait until after work....(when this place can mentally drain you). I am not a morning person, as the previous posting described, yet I hate going to the gym after a full day's work. So I decided to conduct some research (the ever-lovin' nerd in me), to see which is most beneficial:

Researchers believe that morning exercise may help to set a person’s circadian rhythms (body clock) to be awake during the day and asleep at night. Exercising at night may create the pattern that the body is too awake in the evening.

"If you are an evening person and someone tells you to exercise in the morning, you will never enjoy it (and not stay with it). So the best message is to exercise when you feel most comfortable," said William J. Evans, a physiologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (I am an afternoon person...but have not stuck with the previous workout plan due to fatigue AFTER maybe I need to reevaluate my schedule).

Because I suffer insomia on occasion I think my choice has already been made. But that lawn chair looks quite inviting don'cha think?

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