Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Goals and Youth

A very dear co-worker of mine was relaying about a friend she has (in her early 20's) whose life is spiraling out of control. I remember that age and feeling like I would conquer the world (yes even girls get that way also).

Maybe because I am older now I feel like I have to release some of my "inner-wisedom" to the younger generation. I can see clearly the path this friend of my co-worker's is taking and it isn't good.

When you are in your 20's it is understandable that you are coming into your own...you are "finding" yourself...what it means to be an adult. At the same time you have to be consciously aware of what you are doing, the path you are leading yourself down....don't make the mistake of letting years slip by without having some kind of formal plan in place.

Being in your 20's is the perfect time to start laying the foundations of your career, to come into your own...establishing a retirement plan...even if it means setting aside $10.00 a month (whatever you can afford) and place it into an account that will work for you.

If I could redo some of my 20's all over again I would...though I was in college by the age of 21 with 4 years of active duty Army under my belt and a 1 year old child...(I live life to the fullest)....I would most definitely have explored solid career options by attending community college first (as my own daughter is doing)...and delve into what career would suit me the best.....my dreams were to become a foreign service officer or at least serve in the Peace Corps...ended up becoming a non-commissioned officer (rank of sergeant) and serving in the Americorps-Vista program instead.

The point being...you take your lemons and make lemonade...if one door closes you go through the window.

To get back to why I wrote this post...I honestly hope my co-worker's friend wisens up, wakes up and realizes what a good thing she has to work at NARA and to be in college and to be in her 20's...with her entire life splayed out before her and to create her goals, follow them and make her own dreams come true.

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