Friday, August 1, 2008

The missing piece

Sometimes in life we are faced with very difficult decisions, whether it be dealing with an ailing parent, finding a new job, leaving a bad relationship, earning a promotion, kid(s) off to college...basically everything that life throws at us creates a new dimension of thought.

Currently am trying to seek a higher paying position in management, find a house, and get into better shape. Pretty lofty goals but goals I know I can attain. Reaching them means being organized, consistent, and focused. I cannot sit on my laurels and do nothing. God didn't build me that way. I am an individual who seeks higher attainment either physically, spiritually or financially but I am cognizant of my place in life--where I am going.....

Why do people fail to attain their dreams? Richard Koestner tackles this issue in his article: Reaching One's Personal Goals: A Motivational Perspective Focused on Autonomy which can be found in the February 2008 issue in Canadian Psychology:

People who are not reaching their goals: (a) ...lack clear, specific goals; (b) they fail to monitor their progress toward the goal; and (c) they do not possess sufficient self-regulatory strength to maintain goal pursuit in the face of obstacles and distractions.

By creating a conducive environment which clearly tackles these issues a person can easily attain what they are reaching for....write down your goals...see what mirrors your beliefs and passion for life. Analyze the obstacles which prevent you from attaining your dreams and write down how you can attempt to overcome them. If you do not have a support network that can help you achieve these goals--discover methods you are comfortable with to reach them. Create a positive environment so you completing the missing pieces in life's puzzle, see the entire picture.

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