Monday, August 4, 2008


Never was a morning person (my co-workers can vouch for this) however once the insipid alarm goes off I cannot help but leap out of bed. Been this way since well...forever. Mom never had to tell me twice to get up for school. Now my brother and sister...different story. Usually she had to threaten to get dad to wake them and that pretty much did it.

Waking up at 3:45am like I did today is no fun because I wasn't planning to get up until 5. Today is gym day so I like to be off and ready to work by 6am...

I don't know about most mothers, (working and stay at home)....but usually I don't get allot of alone time unless I demand it.

I get up, get dressed and ready for work (alone time) and then off to work for 8 and a half hours, come home and usually am not alone...except when the kid is off to school....and after that well....I allot myself some "me" time because I need it to unwind and simply think.

I could bemoan getting up way before the alarm but then I think...I am also getting some "me" time and though I have a Himmie passed out blissfully on his back near my feet, I do feel a sense of peace now at approx. 4:16am.

Then it's off for another "fun" pack day. ;^)

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