Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Troops pay baggage fees on way to war zones

I had to do a double-take when I read this article on CNN. My first gut reaction was: "WTF?"

Not only do these soldiers have to contend with back to back tours of duty or risk being discharged (sometimes losing their retirement) but now this?

I understand that rising fuel costs means having to pay more at the ticket counter for air fare and luggage but where do you draw the line when soldiers, who are being thrown into harm's way, are expected to comply?

Some of them are not coming back. I mean come on here!:

Some airlines are charging U.S. soldiers extra baggage fees to take their military kits with them as they set off for war.

Some U.S. airlines give military personnel a break (a break??? Just freaking do it) need to pat you on the back....on baggage fees, but others levy surcharges.

Military personnel carry large, heavy kit bags containing boots, clothing and gear. In the past few months, airlines have instituted fees for all travelers ranging from $15 for one bag to $250 for a third bag. (Hmmm and how much are these soldiers' salaries as it is for going over there)..surely not in the same league as say uhhhhh certain civillian contractors who are profiteering off the backs of these men and women, the Americans and the Iraqis.

"What we want to do is nip this in the bud by exempting the military personnel who are traveling under orders from having to pay a fee on their third bag," said Veterans of Foreign Wars spokesman Joe Davis.

(some airlines have these soldiers pay upfront and then they are reimbursed later). ROLLING my eyes here................

Amen to Davis:

"These young troops are going to war," he said. "There's a lot more on their mind than to have to worry or try to remember to get a hundred dollars reimbursed to them when they get into a war zone."

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