Friday, August 29, 2008

The Meaning of Dreams

I have always had blockbuster full in color dreams.

Technicolor....yeahhh...anyway had one of those deja vu kind of dreams last night where I was driving down the interstate in a red car (could have been mine but my memory is a tad foggy on some details)....however I do know this: I was in Florida and all of a sudden either a flood or hurricane came washing in and all of my ID was taken...not to mention the road was partially washed out. I sort of remember that I was on my way to New York....why? Don't know. Maybe the impending trip to Florida is screwing with my psyche.....................

I tend to dream allot about floods and hurricanes. Found this information regarding water:

Floods are caused by heavy rain and the melting of snow. Water in any form, including rain and snow, symbolizes emotions. Dreaming about being in a flood is an indication that the dreamer is currently experiencing powerful emotions that may be overwhelming. The flood in your dream could represent a very powerful, or even violent, emotionally cleansing experience. But don't worry, just like in an actual flood, waters reside and so do emotions. Water at times represents the flow of life and this dream may point to your feelings of being overwhelmed by it. Depending on the content of the dream and your emotional experience in it, the flood could also represent sexuality and be a sexual dream symbol. (On that one I would say errrr NO.)


Never boring....had dreams of being chased by aliens, witches, you name it. World Wars, haunted mansions, dreaming of my childhood home....Like I said....they are never could sit back, pop some popcorn and enjoy the show. ;^)

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