Friday, August 15, 2008


Virgo is the Sixth sign of the Zodiac. It heralds the end of Summer and nearing of the harvest. The origin of its name has become lost over time but among European and Middle Eastern mythology, Virgo has always been a symbol of fertility and a representation of the production of crops. Even in prehistoric times, this Zodiac Sign was perceived as both a mother and a virgin. According to some astrological sources, Virgo's original symbol was the Sphinx...mythological poser of riddles...and, indeed, those governed by Virgo are prone to question, turning inward in order to seek larger meanings about causes and purposes in life. Some sources maintain that Virgo began as The Great Mother, a Sumerian Corn Goddess, while in Egypt, she was Nidaba, Goddess of Grain, whose harvest begain when the Moon was in her constellation. In medieval times, Virgo was associated with the Virgin Mary. However, in most depictions, Virgo holds sheaves of wheat or an ear of corn, emphasizing her role as a Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture. Occasionally portrayed as bearing flowers, this image may be a reference to Mi, her Babylonian name, which means "cluster of flowers." Virgo natives seek complete realization of the mind, being logical, practical and methodical with an intellect which subrogates the instinct. This is an unassuming Sign, but one which rules hard-working individuals who are prepared to serve unflinchingly and give of their hearts. Those born under the Sign of Virgo should strive to expand their perspective beyond see the larger order and underlying pattern of creation. Thus, those who accomplish this will know the goals worthy of service and learn how to temper intellect with reverence.

Spiritual Goal: To learn to discriminate between destructive criticism and simple wisdom

Spiritual Correspondence: The VirtuesApostle: Philip

Prophet: Micah

Anatomy: Rules the hands, abdomen, intenstines, spleen and central nervous system

Corresponding Tarot Card: The Hermit

Associated Countries: Brazil, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Uruguay and the West Indies

Associated Cities: Athens, Corinth, Paris, Boston and Heidelberg

Animals: All Domestic Animals and Solitary Animals

Watchword: Service

Keynote: Purity

Physical Manifestation: Crystallization

Mental Manifestation: Discrimination

Motto: I Wish To Give

Quote: I Analyze

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