Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas tree going up this Sunday

Yes, you read this correctly. Decided to put it up. Some people will do it right after Thanksgiving. I usually waited until December 1st but this year said the hell with it....going up on the 25th...

Simba has a bad habit of climbing the tree and then pissing on the tree blanket. I am at my wit's end as to how to stop him from doing this "tradition" each year. This will be his 3rd Christmas you would have thought he learned by now as many times I sprayed him with water when I "caught him in the act".......he would have a look of such ecstasy on his face when he plants himself on my blanket. I don't know how many times I have had to wash it......sigh........maybe this year we shall break it OR I will end up having to buy a new one and finding creative ways to keep him OFF!
I remember when mom would decorate the whole house with her decorations gathered through all the years of marriage. I miss that. She does not decorate any more. It tires her out. This year my sister has the honors of gathering everyone together at her house in Chicago and my parents will be riding with shotgun. With his health I do not think it wise for him to drive all that way from Indiana. My brother is flying in from Florida with his girlfriend and my car will be packed along with my parents 'Scottish Terrier, Lexy. Should prove to be a "fun" 5 hour drive.........

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