Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Loving One's Country

Some people think I am nuts to try and return to the Army especially during these chaotic times. I know I have a little bit of a danger streak in me...and yeah there is the possibility I could be deployed but I join for many reasons. One is that yes, I want that retirement check, another is that I really miss wearing the Camis and finally...just the sheer love I have for my country.
I feel that the USA is the grandest experiment on this planet. We have individuals from all walks of life, faiths, creeds...albeit there is crime...there is prejudice...I will not dispute that. But where else can you find such a diversity of mix of people from all corners of the globe?

In addition, we do have a stable economic base. Yes, we are having some issues and I think partly is because of ill-spent money on the war and other areas. But all in all I find that I would much rather live in this land of plenty then suffer the uncertainty many other citizens face within their country when it comes to basic necessities.

I have a bumper sticker on my car entitled Freedom Isn't Free. It comes from the following poem.

(By Dillon Staas)

Oh gentle, loving people of the land of morning calm,

Hold sacred your new freedom, and listen to my psalm,

The seed of many nations came from far across the sea,

And paid a price on your behalf,

for freedom isn't free.

The gripping fear, the stench of death,

no longer fill your mind.

The horrors of the battle field have all been left behind.

Your children,

dreaming peaceful dreams,

safe in your arms each night,

Wake with a smile of innocence, to face the morning light.

Your homes, secure,

on quite streets, bring comfort to the soul,

From verdant hillside terraces to valleys down below.

Your mountain streams,

now running clear,

without a trace of red,

No sound you hear,

no crying from the dying and the dead.

So when good fortune smiles on you and fills your heart with cheer,

Remember those who fought and died and left their futures here.

Give thanks to them and make a special place within your heart,

That you and they, forever friends, shall never drift apart.

I feel that people take their freedoms for granted and should be grateful to live in this wondrous country the United States of America...

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