Monday, April 14, 2008

Exercise what exercise?

I have not been to the gym in three weeks...yes three weeks.

Mom came for a week then overtime was offered. I felt bad leaving mom home all day when I was at work and did not want to spend additional time away so I put off going. Then we were offered overtime and my gym membership is every other day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday's and Sundays. So I had to pick the days most advantageous to make additional $$$.

Sooooo, today I return to 24 hour fitness after my hiatus and let me tell you I DID feel guilty being away.

You get into a comfortable routine of going and then well...your brain, your body expects for you to keep up.

Kind of like brushing your teeth...

..........just the routine takes a little longer.

I am a person used to exercise.

Growing up in the country I had the lake, my bike, the woods, cornfields, etc....I think you get the picture.

Growing up in the country meant outdoor living. Then in the military well....we had PT every other day. While stationed in S. Korea we always had our 5 mile runs...those were awesome (and was proud of myself for keeping up).

Nothing like calling cadence in unison with 100's of voices as one. Ahhhh those were those days........

I digress but am excited about returning. With warm weather peeping around the corner it is an additional motivation for me to get back into the swing of things and keep in shape. After all...I have a wedding in Miami to attend in the Fall and am turning 40 (ack ack)...gotta look my best.


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