Monday, April 14, 2008

Food, Gas and Riots

As I contemplate filling my ga$ tank with $3.40 cents a gallon fuel I think about the many men, women, and children around the world who are trying to meet their basic needs.

According to Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia University's Earth Institute:
"This is the world's big story."

Indeed it is when you have riots in Egypt, Haiti and Mozambique along with other developing nations making front page news. Efforts from developed Western nations are being sought for naught as the poor suffer in droves.

I wonder at the same time where are the priorities of these local governments who appear to have enough money for them$elve$ ---------yet when it comes to their own people there seems to be lack of resources.

In addition, many of these nations main staple is rice and that too is rising.

Can we blame it solely on the cost of production for ethanol?

The War in Iraq?

The recession of the USA?

I think it is a culmination of many many factors. Not just one.

I realize that my ills are not as grave as some families in developing nations. As an American though I feel the pinch. I am grateful for the job I have, the roof over my head and the food I can eat every day.

As the average citizen I wonder about the state of world affairs every day...contrary to what some might think overseas.....not all Americans are so self-indulgent that they do not ponder upon the tribulations of fellow human beings across the globe.

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