Thursday, April 10, 2008

My thoughts on the Missouri Immigration Directive

I decided to jot down a few notes during the meeting so that I could relay some key points.

The Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis had some of the following concerns regarding the directive:

  • Views the debate as a momentous opportunity to have a comprehensive reform of continuous issues which are currently dividing our Nation.

  • Currently there are competing interests which polarize the community in regard to heated passions for this issue.

  • Guest workers should still be allowed to work in the USA because it helps to stimulate economical growth and improves the quality of life of these guest workers.

  • These workers usually come here not to seek citizenship but to work.

  • That illegals and workers be treated humanely. Not to criminalize these individuals trying to seek a better life. To not criminalize those US agencies trying to assist these individuals.

The underlining key points I discovered is that a Missouri police officer will not run an immigration check on any one person unless he feels there is probable cause to do so.

They utilize a system called ICE which stands for Immigration Customs Enforcement. The officers will run the person through this system and if it comes up the person is here in the States illegally then that person has to be detained until Immigration can deport them from the country. However, if the person committed say a heinous crime such as murder or rape then that person will stand trail and when his sentenced has been served he/she will be deported back to their country.

Those Missouri drivers who have a valid license which was obtained through the new standards (showing proof of US citizenship) the police officer will not run ICE because legal means were done to obtain the identification.

One of the issues addressed was the critical importance of having interpreters for individuals out on the street. There seems to be a lack of communication between the Hispanic community and the local police force when it comes to this issue. However, the police chiefs at the meeting stated that they utilize the International Institute for those individuals who do not speak English.

Currently Missouri police are given immigration training in two hour blocks to enlighten them on this new directive by Governor Blunt. This helps the officers become sensitive to the issues of the community especially Hispanics because they are a larger part of the St. Louis population.

Overall, since ICE has been implemented over 223 individuals have been detained for being illegal. The system does work.

The officers emphasized that those individuals (and the Hispanic community at large) should never be afraid of coming to the police if their life is in danger or if they need assistance in some way. The officers state that first and foremost on their minds is the well-being of the individual.

I will be keeping up on this to see how everything works out in my community and hope that those who are afraid of approaching an officer for fear of being deported for whatever reason realize that if they need help they should seek it.

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