Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Military and me

Those of us who wore the uniform...who served together in various situations can relate to what if feels like when you are no longer a part of that special camaraderie.

I miss it. God I do.

I miss wearing the uniform.

The travel.

The culture---

Man even the food....

When you join as young as I did it really does leave a lasting impression.

And leaving, yeah....you leave behind a piece of yourself.

......heart and soul....a big piece.

17 was a young young age to join...at that time personality is still forming-maybe even some self-doubt...you are venturing out to parts unknown meeting people so different yet once that uniform is on there seems to be a sense of well..."unity"----

The military and me............

Testing the limits...

Seeking the thrills....

Complete mental and physical exhaustion but by GOD you did it--you even came to love it. I did it.

Well, what did I know anyway about it anyway?

Here I was this Midwestern corn girl setting out to explore her part of the world and wow what an adventure it was....

I do try and find people on the net whom I served with but it's hard. Probably could go to an Army Worldwide Locator and see if I can track down some old buddies of mine.

Seems like a lifetime ago.

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