Those of us who wore the uniform...who served together in various situations can relate to what if feels like when you are no longer a part of that special camaraderie.
I miss it. God I do.
I miss wearing the uniform.
The travel.
The culture---
Man even the food....
When you join as young as I did it really does leave a lasting impression.
And leaving, leave behind a piece of yourself.
......heart and soul....a big piece.
17 was a young young age to that time personality is still forming-maybe even some are venturing out to parts unknown meeting people so different yet once that uniform is on there seems to be a sense of well..."unity"----
The military and me............
Testing the limits...
Seeking the thrills....
Complete mental and physical exhaustion but by GOD you did it--you even came to love it. I did it.
Well, what did I know anyway about it anyway?
Here I was this Midwestern corn girl setting out to explore her part of the world and wow what an adventure it was....
I do try and find people on the net whom I served with but it's hard. Probably could go to an Army Worldwide Locator and see if I can track down some old buddies of mine.
Seems like a lifetime ago.
Link Latte 285
To Scale! The Solar System - [one of the best videos]
The Hardest Gear In The World That Will Take Forever to Spin - [wow video]
Welcome to Scuba K...
10 months ago
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