Friday, April 4, 2008

$$$ The American Dream: Where has it gone?

Discussion at work:

The amount of dollars spent so far in this fruitless war could feed every American here in the states for 20 years and 1/2 children alive in the states would be able to go to college for free. We borrowed money from the World Bank and Kuwait now owns those loans. Sad but true.

  • What has happened to our proud nation?
  • Where are we going with this war?
  • What is the future of Iraq?
  • What is the future for America?
  • What is the the future for our children?

We are handing to them on a unfathomable debt upon an ornate silver platter a debt which will take generations to pay off. Gas prices on the rise yet again. Paying $3.29 a gallon, wages not increasing to keep up with the economic downturn, people foreclosing on their homes due to the lagging housing market. I wish we as Americans can unite in one voice and demand Washington...this administration to clean up their act but perhaps since we are not people in power our voices are silenced. I am so tired of how my country has become a whipping boy of the world. Tasteless jokes, bad government/business decisions, a losing war, dead soldiers whose families grieve their loss every day, Iraqis dying in droves over what?

I know this post is sad but also a wake up call. Americans need to come together and make a change and we can....with the upcoming elections in November you have to voice your opinion. If not we may have more of the same. I think Obama can...I want a fresh man like him in the White House. What has seasoned politicians done so far for us. For the US of A? Look where we are economically and politically. Our businesses, our homes, our families, our very existence is so dependent on DC. Our international reputation is a joke. I know some people out there believe voting is a waste of time but I honestly do not.

Make a difference.

WHERE are our priorities?

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