Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Size 6

Never in a million years did I think I could fit into a pair of size 6 jeans. Why do I say that?
Glad you asked.

You see about two and a half years ago I was a size 22. Yep. I was taking certain meds that made me gain weight and coupled with stress I packed on the pounds.

It was a sloooowwww process to lose it all but in order to lose this extra baggage I had to do it the healthy way. Also a stint in the hospital and only being able to eat 30 fat grams a day pretty much motivated this chica to lose the blubber.

Going to the gym helped, having the ab lounger really whittled down my waistline. It DOES work if you are diligent. You gotta have that drive, that fire to reach these goals because it isn't easy and it WON'T happen overnight. If you think you will see results the day you start to lose weight think again. Having such a mindset can set you up to fail.
Look at the bigger picture.
Keep track of your weight loss not by days but maybe at the end of the week you can see where you are heading and adjust but adjust in a healthy way and talk to your doctor before starting any type of weight loss or exercise program.

Tomorrow is gym day and I am planning to stay there for at least 45 minutes. I want to build up my tolerance to going an hour each time.

God bless me!! ;^)

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