Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time passes................

It's funny how you can look in a mirror and see your life etched upon your face:

The wrinkles, laugh lines, shape of the eyes, turn of the mouth.

I can reminiscence about "the old days" when I was a kid...remembering how it felt to simply have my future lying pristine and clear at my feet. Waiting to conquor this world...make it a better place--more unique with my presence.

Constantly looking back at costly mistakes (& small ones) made, the gains, losses, laughing, smiles, memories appearing as if sometimes like ghostly images lost in a curl of fog.

As time passes I realize how precious life is....not to live with regrets but to learn from them---and let go.

To embrace the future...middle age whatever you wish to call it and realize that life was full of many many priceless things:

---family, friends, travels, education, military, a birth, a death...

all part of the continuous cycle of life---a cycle which after my passing will continue on through my descendants and as they too will look in the mirror at my age I wonder if they will ponder the same things---even see a little of myself in those laugh lines...knowing where they came from and then thinking of where as an adult---they are going.

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