Saturday, June 14, 2008


In a couple of days my life will change forever.

Either I will be accepted back into the folds of the Army......or I will not.

Depends on what the docs say.

If I am medically rejected from military service at least I can honestly say I gave 200% towards the effort.

I didn't just give up.

Not for something I had such a lifelong passion for.

When you believe in something you truly gotta go for it.

No excuses.


Everyone who knows I want to return to the Army have continuously asked me what my thoughts are of being deployed to Iraq.

Right now the chemical unit I might be assigned to is under strength so there is no viable possibility for the next few years I would go.

Scary thought if I had to.


Do I want to go over there?


I prefer to defend my own country's borders but I also realize that by signing on the dotted line I open myself up to the possibility of being sent.

I am not blind or naive to this.

I do get offended when people try to make me out as such.

I am joining because I have 8 years to go for military retirement.

I would become a squad leader....I would wear my stripes again, the be in an environment that was part of half my life.

Also for the would help me out allot.

All I can do is pray.

And I for one am a person who wants to live her life to the fullest.

Just who I am...............................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.